Monday, February 8, 2010

Heart - Always Un:broken

What to say about the Hearts??? Some people thinks it is just a some other part of body... but if it is.... Why GOD think of creating it and Why GOD give it a special place in life...

.............. The thing is clear he wants to tell his kids (all around the world) that sometimes is very important to think form HEART - Atleast once...... not with the brain.... in god's world's brain is something that always ask you to move forward but it is the heart who ask you  to stop for a single moment in life and think what exactly you want you life to be....

God never ever gives a second chance to anyone... except only the few who is lucky enough to get another... but what about the rest..... so it is really important to start thinking or the best word is to feel what the world you want to make for yourself ..... SO GRAB IT.... NEVER EVER LOOSE THE ONE...

i know it is sometimes very difficult to understand sometimes.... but i feel sometimes it worth it to take a risk in life.... never know the risk taken by you is the one valuable answer for the whole of your life.... so.. why not listen to the heart stop using the BRAIN.... (atleast for sometimes, only for sometime; promise)...

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