Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Question for a GOd...

God.... people say god exist... I too agree there must be some power that holds all human being together... to make them live in this world....

But having a Question for a GOd.....

that... do the GOD is happy to see its children... if NO then why GOD creates so much problem.... in one's life... why not atleast it allow it children to live in the normal state... ya I agree that it is very important to have a happier state as well as sad state but it would not be like that....

.........if it is happier state, GOD make the person so much happy..... that he or she feels that they are in HEAVEN....

but... when it is a sad state, GOd makes the person realize that the MIStake was being planned by GOd at some back stage of his or her life..........

it simply means it is all on GOd's hand that what he want.....

I am just having a single request please.......... if you want to make the people happy, make him happy only till at that limit, such that he can able to digest it....

......... and make him cry only if he or she can able to bear it..... it is not like that a person resistance power is of 50% and god is gifting him the CRy state with 80% or more.... please stop doing such things........

we are your children, don't make us feel like that......

I know struggle is very much important in one's life...... but even as per mine experience struggling a lot do not make the person feel that it is really worth it doing that much of that......

SO, please make this world feel that it is really there HOME.... that you had designed for them before the time even when they had born or you are planning to them to take a first BREATHE of life.......

Suppose there is a family of 5 with having a son and a daughter and you taken the family eldest children back...... then is it really good........ i think so NO.........

I know "GOD is great........ GOd is really very very great" but "please do not add such kind of different flavours with a such higher proportion in one's life"......

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